The Power of Synchronicity
Carl Jung coined the word “synchronicity” which he used to describes two incidents with no causal connection occurring simultaneously and affecting each other. Deepak Chopra describes synchronicity as “meaningful coincidences which can shape the course of our lives.” Not only can synchronicity affect our lives, it can also affect the course a business takes. Harnessed correctly, synchronicity could take your company to the stratosphere.
Gary Player used to say that people often congratulated him on the “lucky shot” that won a tournament. He would reply that the more he practised the luckier he got. Synchronicity is not about being in the right place at the right time so that what you want falls into your lap. In order to benefit from this phenomenon, you have to be constantly aware of what’s happening in your field. You have to be connected and alert. Information can only help if you know it. You have to tap into information streams and stay updated so that you are prepared. Pay attention to the messages the world is sending you.
Attracting synchronicities
The number one trait to attract synchronicity is mindfulness. Listen to and watch what is happening around you. Does the same topic keep coming up at meetings? Is there a conference advertised that just happens to be about something you’re interested in? Have you recently met someone who has the skills you need in your company? These occurrences could be written off as coincidences or you could use this information to affect your current situation or resolve current problems.
Suspend your judgement. Allow yourself to look at an idea as if for the first time. Don’t judge it on pre-conceived ideas or personal opinions. Even if the idea doesn’t resolve the current problem, it could resolve another problem or even prevent a problem from arising. Don’t lose the opportunity because of closed-mindedness. Allow ideas to bubble and percolate without shooting them down. You never know where your ideas might lead you and your business if they are not rejected out of hand. Allow your employees to offer their ideas too.
Encourage innovation and creativity in the workplace. This isn’t restricted to developing new products. It can be used to boost sales, reinvent business models or streamline processes. Even using technologies in new ways or new arenas could be the breakthrough your company needs. Being adaptable and open to change will mean your business is poised to take advantage of changes in the marketplace. Successful businesses will be flexible and resilient, able to withstand transformation and take advantage of the modifications to benefit themselves. With technology changing as fast as it does, companies who become set in their ways do so at their own peril.
Innovation is driven by communication. Make use of digital business and keep in touch with partners, suppliers and customers so that you always know exactly what they want and when it changes. Keeping a finger on the online pulse allows a company to spot the gaps, in their own products and in the systems of their competitors. Keep an eye on other business practices and see where your company can do better. Attend conferences and events to keep you up to date with innovations in your field.
Connectivity is paramount. Encourage cross-departmental conversations and resolutions. Shared knowledge can be a powerful tool and should be exploited to its full potential. The business world is moving towards integrated systems that will require integrated, holistic solutions. Don’t pigeonhole people, talents, skills or processes. The more flexible your business is, the more resilient it will be in the current marketplace.
Benefits of synchronicity
If your business is open to the possibilities offered by synchronicity and you take the opportunities offered, you can be assured that your business is going in the right direction. You are following the flow of business. This doesn’t mean passive bobbing along a stream but rather being in on a trend right from the beginning; perhaps even starting one.
A business that is perfectly situated and ready to take advantage of changes to the marketplace is a successful business. This will attract new clients and new investments. Not only will this affect your bottom line but it will also make your employees more reassured and positive about their work.
Employees who know that off the wall ideas or challenges to the status quo will be more eager to offer suggestions and comments in meetings. In fact, they might surprise you with their foresight and knowledge. You as CEO could be sitting on a goldmine without having ever acknowledged it just because you weren’t paying attention. Expect the best from your employees and they will deliver.
Utilizing the full connectivity that digital information offers could benefit your company for a very low cost. Email marketing, an online presence, real-time responses to your client base are all aspects of a connected company. Being able to link up different business associates or realising how one business can assist another has become easier and quicker thanks to technology. You just have to be aware of the possibilities
Expect synchronicity and it will happen. It can be the best weapon your business has.